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Peace of mind on water. Every Event.
At Event Water Safety, we're more than just lifeguards. We're a comprehensive water safety solution provider, ensuring the safety and success of your water-based events.
With a proven track record of securing some of the UK's most prestigious events, we bring unparalleled expertise to the table. Our team has provided lifeguard, rescue boat & jet ski provision, and medical support for a diverse range of events, including:
- The 2012 Olympic Games - Islamic Games - British Heart Foundation Charity Swims -
Our highly trained and qualified lifeguards are vigilant and equipped to handle any aquatic emergency. We offer a comprehensive fleet of rescue craft, ensuring rapid response times and effective intervention. Our team includes medical professionals who can provide immediate first aid and medical care in case of an incident.
We have a proven track record of keeping participants safe at aquatic events. We work closely with event organisers to develop a customised safety plan that meets the specific needs of your event. Our team is courteous, efficient, and committed to providing excellent service.
Our team of highly trained and experienced lifeguards are vigilant and prepared to respond to any aquatic emergency.
We have a fleet of rescue boats and jet skis strategically positioned for rapid response and efficient rescue operations.
Our team includes qualified medical personnel to provide first aid and emergency medical care on-site.